Delphine Gourdon
Delphine Gourdon
Adjunct Professor

Department of Physics


Dr. Delphine Gourdon joined the Department of Physics at University of Ottawa in 2017, after spending six years as assistant professor in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at Cornell University. Her research group is dedicated to mechanobiology and tribology of (natural and synthetic) biomaterials. More specifically, the Gourdon lab focuses on 3 different projects: (i) mechanobiology of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in cancer, (ii) characterization and mimicking of the mineral-protein interface in inflammation, and (iii) biolubrication.

Dr. Gourdon was allocated the NSF Early Career Award in 2014 and the CFI-JELF Award in 2017. She has authored 45+ publications in peer-reviewed journals that have received over 3200 citations.

Research interests

  • Experimental Biophysics
  • Extracellular matrix proteins
  • Proteins
  • Cell and tissue mechanics in cancer
  • Surface force apparatus and atomic force microscopy
  • Energy transfer by fluorescent resonance