Hang Chi
Hang Chi
Assistant Professor

STM 431
(613) 562-5800 ext. 6486

Department of Physics


Dr. Hang Chi is a Canada Research Chair in Quantum Electronic Devices and Circuits, focusing on (i) magnetically proximitized topological interfaces for building next-generation magnetic memory/logic devices with superior performance and efficiency, as well as (ii) magnetic superconducting heterostructures for non-reciprocal quantum transport and quantum information & computation. Chi Lab combines ab initio simulations; crystal growth, thin film and heterostructure deposition and micro/nanodevice fabrication; structural, magnetic, transport, advanced neutron, muon, scanning tunneling characterizations of extraordinary surface and interfaces.

Selected publications

Research interests

  • Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
  • Quantum Materials, Devices and Circuits
  • Superconducting and Molecular Spintronics
  • Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Crystal Growth
  • Magneto-Thermo-Transport under Extreme Conditions