My research focuses on developing and analyzing disease transmission models for human infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, Hepatitis virus, STIs etc. Such models could be complex differential equation systems with characters like nonlinearity and high-dimension. Both qualitative analysis approaches and numerical simulations are utilized to investigate disease dynamics for public health practice modeling purpose.
Selected publications
- D Paquette, D Schanzer, H Guo, M Gale-Rowe, T Wong, The impact of HIV treatment as prevention in the presence of other prevention strategies: Lessons learned from a review of mathematical models set in resource-rich countries, Preventive medicine, 58 (2014), 1-8.
- H Guo, MY Li, Z Shuai, Global dynamics of a general class of multistage models for infectious diseases, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 72 (2012), 261-270.
- H Guo, MY Li, Impacts of migration and immigration on disease transmission dynamics in heterogeneous populations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, 172 (2012), 2413-2430.
- H Guo, J Wu, Persistent high incidence of tuberculosis among immigrants in a low-incidence country: impact of immigrants with early or late latency, Mathematical biosciences and engineering, 8 (2011), 695-709.
- H Guo, MY Li, Z Shuai, A graph-theoretic approach to the method of global Lyapunov functions, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 136 (2008), 2793-2802.
Research Group
- Applied Mathematics