Research focuses on how organisms adjust to their environment and to environmental change. The emphasis is on the evolution of hormone receptors and their signalling pathways especially with respect to the stress axis, the role of nutrient signals in partitioning cellular metabolism, and the metabolic consequences of environmentally relevant pollutants, including persistent organics, pharmaceuticals and nanoparticles. Fish serve as model organisms and studies cover all levels of functional organization from the gene to the whole fish within its environment.
Selected publications
- Polakof, S., J.M Míguez, T.W. Moon, and J.L. Soengas. Evidence for the presence of a glucosensor in hypothalamus, hindbrain and Brockmann bodies of rainbow trout. Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 292: R1657-1666., 2007
- Chen, X., Perry, S.F., Aris-Brosou, S., Selva, C., Moon, T.W. Characterization and functional divergence of ?1-adrenoceptor gene family: insights from the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Physiol. Genomics 32: 142-153, 2007
- Aris-Brosou, S., Chen, X., Perry, S.F., Moon, T.W. Timing of the functional diversification of a- and ß-adrenoceptors in fish and other vertebrates. Trends in Comp. Endocrinol. Neurobiol.; Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1163: 343-347, 2009
- Mennigen, J.A., Harris, E.A., Chang, J.P., Moon, T.W., Trudeau, V.L. Fluoxetine affects weight gain and expression of feeding peptides in the female goldfish brain. Regul. Pept. 155: 99-104, 2009
- Marlatt, V., Lakoff, J., Crump, K., Martyniuk, C., Watt, J., Jewell, L., Atkinson, S., Blais, J., Sherry, J., Moon, T.W., Trudeau, V. Sex- and tissue-specific effects of waterbone estrogen on estrogen receptor subtypes and E2-mediated gene expression in the reproductive axis of goldfish. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 156 A, 92-101, 2009