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Carleton graduate courses

Please find the graduate courses offered at Carleton University on their website.
Carleton registrar's office

 Spring-Summer 2023

CampusCU CodeUO CodeTitleProfessorFormat
CUBIOL5004BIO5104 I00Advances in Applied Biochemistry In person

Spring-Summer 2023

CampusCU CodeUO CodeTitleProfessorFormatBlock
UOCHEM5903CHM8309 A00Advanced Topics in Physical: Atmospheric ChemistryPaul Michael MayerWeb conference2023-05-22 to 2023-06-23
UOCHEM5111CHM8358 A00Advanced Topics in Biomolecular Sciences: Cell SignalingFrancois-Xavier Campbell-ValoisIn person2023-05-01 to 2023-06-09

Spring-Summer 2023

CampusCU CodeUO CodeTitleProfessorFormatSession
CUERTH5202GEO5122 I00Advanced Igneous Petrology In person2023-07-04 to 2023-08-16

Spring/Summer 2023

CampusCU CodeUO CodeTitleProfessorFormatSession
UOMATH6008MAT5326 X00Topics in Analysis : Calculus of Variations and Gradient FlowsMarco Caroccia/ Augusto Gerolin/ Oliver TseIn person2023-05-01 to 2023-07-21
UOMATH5901MAT5991Directed Studies Research2023-05-01 to 2023-07-21

Graduate course offerings 2024-2025

CampusCU CodeUO CodeNameInstructorTerm
UO/CUPHYS 5909THM 7999M.Sc. Thesis F/W/S
UO/CUPHYS 6909THD 9999Ph.D. Thesis F/W/S
UON/APHY 9998Qualifying Exam F/W/S