2021-22 Research Report
Leading transformative research in a changing world.
Featured discoveries
Find out about the remarkable research achievements by our professors and their teams.

Equity, diversity and inclusion
The Faculty of Science is committed to ensuring equity, diversity and inclusion in the scholarly and leadership environments of its community.

Awards and honours
Do you have what it takes to become a successful researcher? Find out what these incredible award-winning individuals have done to become top of their field.

Associated with industrial or international partners, discover with whom our professors have collaborated during the year to broaden their research possibilities.
Remarkable students
Already on their way to becoming great scientists, our students have found ways of applying their knowledge to hands-on experiences.

Alumni community
Our students continue on to do great things in various sectors after graduation. Here are a few highlights from this past year.

Outreach and knowledge mobilization
Learn about how our researchers are increasing the impact and accessibility of their research.

Research statistics
Competitive research funding, research chairs, technology transfer and more – learn about the Faculty of Science’s successes last year.

Research office
Here is the team of individuals who work behind the front lines supporting and promoting the work of all the researchers.

Annual research reports
The Faculty of Science has become a true center of excellence in research and the past reports offer an overview of the innovative and impactful research led by our faculty members across a wide variety of fields over the last few years.
Consult the past annual research reports