University of Ottawa graduate students in science benefit from a unique partnership with Carleton University. The programs are offered through the Ottawa-Carleton Joint Institutes, which provide students with access to combined resources and therefore a wide range of courses, expertise, research facilities and libraries.
By choosing to study in Ottawa, students not only have access to the state-of-the-art facilities and excellent faculty offered by each university, but also to various research centers unique to the nation's capital.

Centres, institutes, core facilities and laboratories
Research institutes

Core facilities - M to Z
SEA-ing is believing – the living laboratory

Discover the calming and magical properties of the underwater world while watching science in action. The Faculty of Science recently has installed in the lobby of the Biosciences Building a marine reef aquarium which you will soon be able to view through our website. You will witness live, the fascinating interactions among fish, corals and other invertebrates in one of the most complex, fragile and vulnerable of ecosystems – the coral reef.
Ottawa-Carleton Institutes

The Ottawa-Carleton Chemistry Institute
The Ottawa-Carleton Chemistry Institute (OCCI) combines the graduate teaching research strengths of the University of Ottawa and Carleton University and is now one of Canada’s premier centres for graduate studies in chemistry. OCCI has 39 faculty members who supervise the research of approximately 130 graduate students and 50 postdoctoral fellows.
The institute has had an excellent record of placement of its M.Sc. and Ph.D. graduates in influential posts in industry, government, and academia throughout the world.

The Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Centre
Established in 1982, the Centre is one of the largest graduate teaching and research institutes of Earth Sciences in Canada, and represents the combined expertise of the Departments of Earth Sciences at Carleton University and University of Ottawa. The Centre offers programs leading to M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees with emphasis in environmental geoscience, isotope geochemistry, petrology, geomathematics/computing; mineral and petroleum resource geology, sedimentary systems and many more.

The Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Physics
Established in 1983, the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Physics (OCIP) combines the research strengths and installations of the University of Ottawa and Carleton University. The Institute offers graduate programs leading to the master’s (MSc) and doctoral (PhD) degrees in Physics.
Research facilities are shared between the two campuses. Students have access to the professors, courses and facilities at both universities; however, they must enroll at the “home university” of the thesis supervisor.

The Ottawa-Carleton Institute of Biology
The OCIB combines the biology graduate programs of Ottawa's two research-intensive universities, the University of Ottawa and Carleton University.
While both universities maintain vibrant and distinctive Biology Departments, the main role of OCIB is to integrate research resources for biology graduate students so both universities are able to offer the best possible array of facilities, expertise, courses, and training for graduate students in the biological sciences.

The Ottawa-Carleton Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
The Ottawa-Carleton Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, also known as the Institute, is in charge of the joint graduate programs offered by the School of Mathematics and Statistics at Carleton University and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Ottawa. The Institute is responsible for supervising the program regulations, as well as providing a framework for interaction between the two departments at the research level.
The Institute is responsible for supervising the programs, regulations, and student admissions, and for providing a framework for interaction between the two departments at the research level.