Research opportunities for students

At the Faculty of Science, we understand that some students want to gain experience in research and that is why we offer a wide variety of options.

Research Project

The Honours research project is a course that is undertaken during the fourth year of study to satisfy the requirements of a Honours Bachelor's program. It represents a unique opportunity to work in close collaboration with a principal investigator and graduate students to gain practical experience in current scientific techniques as well as in reviewing and reporting scientific data. The Honours project is the capstone course of your experience in sciences. It involves original and independent work, carried out over a period of two semesters, under the supervision of a principal investigator.

Registration procedures

  1. You must ensure that you meet the minimum requirements:
    1. Familiarize yourself with the course description (Honours Project) available online under the Calendar to find out what are the minimum requirements.
    2. For students in Mathematics and Statistics programs, the fourth year status is sufficient;
    3. You must have the minimum CGPA/GPA required (if applicable) by the department where the project will be completed.
  2. Required documents for registration to the honours project:
    1. Fill out and have your supervisor and co-supervisor (if applicable) sign the appropriate Honours Project Form (see form section of this page).
    2. Once the forms are completed, you can:
      1. Bring the forms at the Office of Undergraduate Programs located in Gendron Hall room 172;
      2. or send it by email;
      3. mail us the forms at 30 Marie-Curie (172) Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5;
      4. We will proceed with your registration during the Summer of 2024 after having evaluated your academic file.
  3. Particularities for the registration of certain projects - IMPORTANT:
    1. Mathematics and Statistics:  Prior to registration, students must obtain approval from the Associate Director of the Department.
    2. Physics students: Prior to registration, students must provide the title of their project and obtain approval from the contact person in Physics or the Assistant Chair Academic.
    3. Please note that it will be possible to complete an Honours Research Project while being in an Honours program with Major in Biochemistry, BiologyChemistry or Physics.
    4. For students in the Honours with Major in Mathematics or Statistics, the Joint Honours in Mathematics and Economics, the Joint Honours in Computer Science and Mathematics and the Honours in Financial Mathematics and Economics, the approval from the Associate Director of the Department will be required.
    5. An Honours Project will not be permitted for students registered in the Honours with Major in Geology.
  4. For BIO4004 and BIO4009, a co-supervisor is needed when the supervisor is not affiliated with the Department of Biology.
  5. For more detailed information relating to research projects, please contact:
    1. BCH: Linda Baron
    2. BIM: Mariam Ishak 
    3. BIO: Mariam Ishak 
    4. BPS: Linda Baron
    5. CHM: Linda Baron
    6. EVS: Simone Dumas
    7. GEO: Simone Dumas
    8. MAT/STAT: Steve Desjardins
    9. PHY: Thomas Brabec


If your research is in the field of natural products, please consider applying to the Souroubea Botanical Prize in Natural Product Research, through Online Scholarships Tool.

Undergraduate Research opportunities

Faculty of Science Undergraduate Research Scholarships

Each year, the Faculty of Science of the University of Ottawa offers 16 Undergraduate Research Scholarships of $11,500 each. The Undergraduate Research Scholarship gives students the opportunity to live a very unique experience. The recipients work with scientists and take part in important scientific discoveries before they even start their university studies.

Other Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Undergraduate Science Research Opportunity Program (USRO)

USRO aspires to foster undergraduate students’ interest in research and lead them to engage in experiential learning under the supervision of a University of Ottawa Faculty of Science professor. It also aims to encourage them to pursue graduate studies and research careers.

The Undergraduate Science Research Opportunity (USRO) Program, is intended for full-time second, third, and fourth year uOttawa students from the Faculty of Science. It is meant to substitute the UROP program, which is suspended for this year.

CHM3127 - Laboratory of Organic Chemistry (Research Option)

This course, CHM3127, is a great research opportunity for 3rd year chemistry and medicinal chemistry students interested in pursuing advanced studies in organic chemistry (e.g., graduate studies). This experiential learning option has proven to be enormously successful at providing meaningful, enriching exposure to modern synthetic techniques and characterization, beyond the capabilities of the traditional teaching laboratory.

CHM3127 is a two-term 3-unit course (extending over Fall and Winter). Students are expected to dedicate a minimum of 3-hours of in-lab work each week (to substantiate the course units and align with program accreditation requirements); however, the student may dedicate more time on the research project upon agreement with the research supervisor.

Admission to the course will be limited to about 10 students. Students must apply to the course after the Winter term of their 2nd year, based on a minimum 8.0 CGPA. Students may only register once they have found a Professor who is willing to commit to supervising them for the research project. This professor must be affiliated with the Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences Department. Students must submit the completed CHM3127 form to the Undergraduate Office for registration.

For any question, you can contact Fabien Gagosz.

Research Focus

The Research Focus consists of a suite of five courses in the third and fourth years of study. The third year Research Practicum (BIM 3009 or BIO 3009) and the fourth year Honours Research Project (BIM 4009 or BIO 4009) form the heart of the program. The Research Practicum is a full-year, 6-unit course that combines research in the laboratory of the supervisor with a series of lectures, workshops and seminars designed to introduce the essentials of experimental design. By fourth year, students are ready to take on their own research project, and do so via the Honours research project, a full-year, 9-unit course in which students investigate a research question, reporting their findings in a thesis and as a conference-style poster.  Students graduate with an Honours BSc in Biology (Research Focus) or an Honours BSc in Biomedical Science (Research Focus).

Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program (USRA) – Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) are meant to stimulate students interest in research in the natural sciences and engineering. They are also meant to encourage students to undertake graduate studies and pursue a research career in these fields. If you would like to gain research work experience that complements your studies in an academic setting, these awards can provide you with financial support through your host university. NSERC encourages qualified Aboriginal students to apply to this program.

International opportunities

The Office of the Vice-President, Research is pleased to offer undergraduate students an international research internship program. The following provides an overview of various types of internships currently available at the University of Ottawa.

Connecting Young Minds

Connecting Young Minds (CYM) is a bilingual conference for students in the Faculty of Science. The conference aims to connect students who share a passion for discovery and offer an avenue through which they can convey their research interests. All students in the Faculty of Science conducting laboratory research are encouraged to submit an abstract for a chance to give a 15-minute oral presentation or a 5-minute CYM pitch. Students who do not wish to present are encouraged to attend the conference as part of the dynamic audience. We invite you to join us in connecting young minds!


SCINAPSE is a non-profit organization founded in London, ON and now run by URI (Undergraduate Research Initiative) here at the University of Ottawa. We provide undergraduate students from different fields of study opportunities to foster scientific innovation while gaining precious research experience. Our core initiative is the national Undergraduate Science Case Competition (USCC), hosted here at the University of Ottawa with the support of the Faculty of Science.

University of Ottawa Science Undergraduate Research Journal (OSURJ)

Formally endorsed and sponsored by the Faculty of Science, the University of Ottawa Science Undergraduate Research Journal (OSURJ) is an online, open-access, multidisciplinary, bilingual academic research journal that is reviewed and published annually by University of Ottawa students. OSURJ publishes articles from all disciplines of science including mathematics and statistics, physics, biology, chemistry, earth sciences and environmental science. All students in the Faculty of Science are welcome to submit. Many article types, ranging from original research and reviews to commentaries and perspective pieces, are accepted for submission. Any questions can be directed to [email protected].

Graduate Research opportunities


Research in Environmental, Analytical Chemistry & Toxicology (REACT)

Principal investigator: Laurie Chan
Department of Biology

Medicinal Chemistry and Biopharmaceutical Development

Principal investigator: William Ogilvie
Department of Chemistry

Training Program in Quantitative Biomedicine

Principal investigator: André Longtin
Department of Physics

For more information about graduate research scholarships.

Post-graduate Research opportunities

Faculty of Science graduate and postgraduate scholars have access to numerous internal and external award and scholarship opportunities. More information can be found on the website of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies by following these links:

Doctoral research scholarships

Postdoctoral fellowships