Science Preparatory Workshop

Your first year at the University of Ottawa will be an exciting time marked by big changes and great adaptation. We want to help you get a head start on a smooth transition to university life in the Faculty of Science!

Jumpstart your success at the Faculty of Science

From Wednesday, August 27th to Friday, August 29th 2025

This three-day in-person workshop focuses on key skills and knowledge to help you succeed in the Faculty of Science. All students taking a science program can benefit.

This workshop includes a variety of interactive sessions, offered in English and French, featuring professors, workshops given by upper-year students and engaging activities. The wide range of topics will answer all your questions and help you prepare for your first-year courses.

The goal of the workshop is to help you learn about:

  • Taking part in introductory lectures from first-year professors.
  • Taking part in university level laboratories.
  • Advice from upper-year students on how to take notes, write lab reports and prepare for exams effectively.
  • Advice on managing stress and finding the proper school to life balance as well as learning to manage your time and the workload.
  • Enriching your university experience through extracurricular or social activities, volunteering and research opportunities.
  • Resources available to you to help you succeed in your courses and thrive as a student.

This workshop provides an excellent opportunity for incoming students to meet like-minded individuals within the Faculty of Science, including other incoming students, upper-year student mentors and some of your future professors.

Cost and registration

The cost for this workshop is $75 (tax included) and it is non-refundable. Please complete the registration form starting on May 1, 2025. Registration will end August 25, 2025 at 11:59 PM


“If you are a Faculty of Science student that is keen to succeed, then you should register for the Science Preparatory Workshop! This is single-handedly the BEST way to get geared up for university, smooth the transition from high school, and get a head-start on making new friends. I will be running two sessions during the workshop:

  • Get Ready for Chemistry, where I’ll give you a sneak preview of your chemistry courses with tips for success.
  • Effective Problem-Solving, where I will teach you the steps to improve your problem-solving skills, applicable to all your university courses.

Combined with all the other sessions and fun activities offered, this Workshop is the #1 reason you should come to campus early, and I hope to see you there!”

- Kathy-Sarah Focsaneanu, Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences

Kathy-Sarah Focsaneanu

"The Science Preparatory Workshop provided me with the tools I needed to succeed as a first-year student. I got some very useful tips on time management and study techniques for different classes from students who experienced these things first hand. The workshop also gave me an idea on what to expect from my classes through professors' presentations, and by the end, I felt well prepared and excited for classes to start!"

- Mila Gorodnichy, 2nd Year, Biochemistry

Mila Gorodnichy

“Ever wondered what you can do to improve your study techniques, your note taking skills, or your confidence when writing an exam? This Science Prep Workshop is designed for you. Many of the tips that we give in these sessions have been used successfully by previous students in first year. I will present you some fun ways to learn and how to make the best out of your classes. Throughout the year, you will definitely want to go back to those tips and tricks. This workshop is also a great way to meet your professors informally. We’re just happy to meet you and talk science! So register now!”

- Matthieu Delcourt, Assistant professor in the Department of Biology

Matthieu Delcourt


If you have any questions, email us at [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you at the Science Preparatory Workshop.

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