International Exchange Program - Sorbonne Université

Students can gain a new perspective during their academic experience by spending one or two terms at a partner institution.

Honours Bachelor of Science

3rd year of study

Mandatory classes

University of Ottawa courses

Equivalent courses from the license 3 in Physics

PHY3320 Electromagnetic Theory (Winter)

3P021 Électromagnétisme et optique (Winter)

PHY3341 Theoretical Physics (Fall)

3P010 Méthodes mathématiques (Fall)

PHY3350 Thermodynamics (Fall)

3P003 Thermodynamique et aspects statistiques* (Winter)

PHY3355 Statistical Thermodynamics (Winter)

3P003 Thermodynamique et aspects statistiques* (Fall)

PHY3370 Introductory Quantum Mechanics (Fall)

3P001 Mécanique quantique (Fall)

PHY3904 Physics and Applied Physics Laboratory II (Winter)

3P015 Physique expérimentale 2 (Fall)

PHY4382 Introduction à la physique à l’état solide (Fall)

3P004 Structure de la matière** (Winter) or 4P053 Physique des solides** (Winter)

Optional PHY courses at the 3000 level and above

University of Ottawa courses

Equivalent courses from the license 3 in Physics

PHY4140 Computational Physics I (Winter)

3P002 Physique numérique (Fall)

PHY4311 Introduction to Photonics (Fall)

Option (6 ECTS) (Fall and/or Winter)


4P066 Symétries en physiques (Winter)


4P067 Évolution des systèmes quantiques (Winter)


4P015 Physique des plasmas (Fall)

*To obtain the credits for the PHY3350 and PHY3355 you must successfully complete the 3P010 course.

** You may wish to complete either the 3P004 course or the 4P053 course to receive the advanced standing of PHY4382.  You are not permitted to complete both courses and receive additional credits.  Of course, the approval from the host institution is mandatory if you want to register to courses at the level 4 (Master 1).


  • Course conflicts may arise when you register to courses at the level 3 (licence) along with courses at the level 4 (Master 1).
  • Fall: 1st semester at Sorbonne Université
  • Winter: 2nd semester at Sorbonne Université