The first are specific projects lead by faculty members that cover a variety of topics related to clinical psychology. For instance, past projects have focused on depression in couples reporting relationship difficulties, the therapeutic process, psychotherapy services assessment of symptoms related to traumatic events, as well as program evaluation. The second type of research activities relates to the use of CPSR’s secure and anonymous clinical database. Collected on a regular basis, data include clinical measures and clients’ basic sociodemographic information that can be used by our faculty for secondary data analyses, quality assurance and program evaluation.
CPSR research
CPSR conducts two main types of research activities.
Research activities
Current research

Dr. Jude Mary Cénat, in collaboration with Dr. Cary Kogan (CPSR Director) and Dr. Assumpta Ndengeyingoma (Université du Québec en Outaouais) are carrying out a research project on the validation of measures and treatments adapted to members of the Black community. The project has three goals: 1) to document social determinants related to mental health issues among young people of the Black communities; 2) to educate, increase awareness and mobilize Black communities to take action on mental health issues, and 3) to develop and apply culturally sensitive assessment and intervention tools in the context of psychological service delivery.
When clients begin their services at the CPSR, they are invited to consent to be contacted about ongoing research projects. Refusal to participate does not affect the quality or timeliness of services they receive. At any time, clients can withdraw their consent to participate in research or to be contacted to participate in a future research project.
Past research
The Outcome Questionnaire, a tool used to monitor client progress, was translated and validated in French at CPSR.
Brosseau-Liard, P. É., Vandette, M.-P., Jamshidi, P., Kogan, C. S., & Aubry, T. (2019). Propriétés psychométriques de la version française (Mesure d’impact; MI-45) du Outcome Questionnaire-45 (OQ-45) en milieu clinique et universitaire. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 52(1).