We believe that effective leaders are continuous learners, and we expect them to be actively engaged throughout their time with us.


The Program is designed to inspire and develop exceptional mid or late-career public service executives or executives from other sectors to take on expanded leadership roles in the future. We believe that effective leaders are continuous learners, and we expect them to be actively engaged throughout their time with us to:

  • Prepare “leadership practice” self-assessments at the beginning, middle, and at the end of the Program;
  • Completing assigned readings, and reflect in advance on thoughtful questions;
  • Attend and participate actively in the sessions and the study tours;
  • Share responsibility for reporting on and distilling lessons from all program components, and;
  • Present and discuss a case study or equivalent assignment on an agreed-on topic.

We understand that participants have many professional, domestic and personal demands on their time and attention. Still, we believe that proper time management is the hallmark of an effective leader who can arrange their time commitments to take full advantage of the learning investment that has been made in them. The Program requires participation in:

  • Orientation and Base-Camp (around 7 days);
  • Approximately seven regular sessions for both 10-month parts of the Program (usually about two days each in duration). 
  • Two to three one-week study tours (plus travel time) – 10 to 15 days in total.
  • About one additional day per month for reading and assignments.

Participants and presenters are encouraged to present and discuss freely in either English or French. Accordingly, participants are expected to be comfortable in both official languages.

The Program culminates in a Certificate conferred by the Faculty of Social Sciences. It does not result in formal academic credits.