Conditions to be met to become a member of the Ordre professionnel des criminologues du Québec

L’ordre professionnel des criminologues has been created in the province of Québec. This means that a permit is now required, in that province, if you engage in the following professional activities:

  • assess a person suffering from a mental or neuropsychological disorder attested by the diagnosis or evaluation of an authorized professional;
  • assess a person further to a decision of the director of youth protection or of a tribunal made under the Youth Protection Act (chapter P-34.1);
  • assess an adolescent further to a decision of a tribunal made under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (S.C. 2002, c. 1);
  • make decisions as to the use of restraint measures in accordance with the Act respecting health services and social services (chapter S-4.2) and the Act respecting health services and social services for Cree Native persons (chapter S-5);
  • make decisions as to the use of isolation measures in accordance with the Act respecting health services and social services and the Act respecting health services and social services for Cree Native persons.
  • determine the intervention plan for a person suffering from a mental disorder or representing a suicidal risk, and who is residing in a facility maintained by an institution which operates a centre for youth with adaptation problems.

Following discussions between the Department of Criminology of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ottawa and the Ordre professionnel des criminologues du Québec (OPCQ), it has been agreed that students registered for the Honours BSocSc in Criminology and the Joint Honours in Criminology and Women’s Studies will be eligible to obtain a permit if they satisfy specific conditions. These conditions vary depending on the admission cycle to the Honours BSocSc in Criminology and the Joint Honours in Criminology and Women’s studies.

Graduate students who were admitted in an admission cycle prior to that of 2015-2016 are required to submit a demand for membership by equivalence of training directly to the Ordre professionnel des criminologues du Québec (OPCQ). The OPCQ admissions committee will then analyze their file, before making recommendations to the board of directors regarding their eligibility to the permit.

Please contact Bastien Quirion at [email protected] if you would like additional information.

Specific conditions

Please consult the OPCQ website for more information.

For more information on whether or not a permit is required please contact the employers.

Please note that this agreement between the OPCQ and the Department of Criminology at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ottawa is subject to change.