Study why people and governments behave the way they do, and how they make choices in a world where resources are limited.

Economics focuses on the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. During your studies, you will explore questions like:

  • Why are some countries richer than others?
  • Why has income disparity been growing in recent years?
  • Why do some companies succeed while others fail?
  • Should health care be provided by the government or by the private sector?
  • Are tuition fees too high?

Why choose the Department of Economics

The Department’s specialty is to educate you to move beyond ready-made ideas. We help you build academic and professional credibility by teaching you solid statistical and analytical skills. You will be prepared to work in a variety of sectors including public policy, international trade, business, banking and finance, consulting, research, international development and advocacy. 

Part of your learning experience

In your fourth year, you can carry out an off-campus research project related to Canadian economic policy in the public or non-profit sector. This experience is an opportunity to develop not only your research skills, but your team-working and project management skills as well. It’s a way to start building your network before you graduate.

Program prerequisites and minimum admission average 

Choose your program

4 years120 units
Students talking at a work table

Honours in Economics

4 years120 units
Arrows around the globe 

Joint Honours in Economics and Political Science

4 years120 units
Stock chart with several arrows 

Joint Honours in Mathematics and Economics

42 units
globe on top of a pile of books

Major in Economics

30 units
students taking notes in FSS hallway

Minor in Economics

Discover more of our economics programs

Stephanie Renaud, Student
Student Voices

“Economics helps me understand how the world works. It is complex, ever evolving and it has always fascinated me. This program is particularly interesting because of its diverse course offering.”

Stephanie Renaud

— Student

Francesca Rondina, Professor

“Economists are interested in studying the impact of economic policies on people’s lives and how people’s behaviours can influence the effectiveness of these policies.”

Francesca Rondina

— Professor

What to expect

Graph of economics predictions

Undergraduate Programs at the Faculty of Social Sciences

Achieve your objectives with our diverse selection of programs aimed at inspiring, empowering, and fostering change.
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