Abstract :

For many reasons, the power relations, purpose, and roles or responsibilities in the classroom are ready for a change. Course instructors no longer know if students have authored their submitted work. Students no longer know if instructors have authored their syllabi. Non-precariously employed instructors and service providers are dwindling compared to burgeoning student populations within inaccessible, hierarchical environments. Many good ideas have been tried and tested, helping to weather the challenges of today. How can we consciously build on these to make postsecondary institutions places of belonging, learning, and healthy relations?

We encourage you to share this virtual event with your students and colleagues!

Nadia Abu-Zahra

Nadia Abu-Zahra


Professor with the Faculty of Social Sciences and CRECS Principal Researcher

If you require accommodation, please contact the event host as soon as possible.
Date and time
Mar 6, 2025
12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Format and location
French, English
General public
Organized by
Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services