Dreamcatcher Workshop
Sociology and Anthropology Week!
Feb 27, 2024 — 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
In this program Henry Maracle, will provide materials and guidance for creating dreamcatchers along with an explanation and history of the dreamcatcher, including its cultural significance amongst people and how it has evolved over time.

Henri Macracle's bibliography
My name is Henri Maracle, and I am of mohawk descent. I was born in Hamilton and moved to the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory at a very young age where I was immersed deeply into my culture and gained pride from being such. Through the years of growing up and living in Tyendinaga, I participated and overseen many festivals, ceremonies, workshops and Programs. A few of which include socials, death ceremonies, bead/rattle/water drum and dreamcatcher workshops and Harvest ceremonies. I was also involved in a drama program for youth that told the mohawk creation story through play.
The event will be held in FSS 4006