Les nombreux visages du populisme de droite au Canada.
Conférence du CIRCEM
Apr 4, 2025 — 11 a.m. to 11:35 a.m.
À l'occasion du colloque annuel du CIRCEM, le centre a le plaisir de vous convier à une conférence dédiée aux populismes de droite au Canada.
About the event:
This event is only offered in French. For more information, please visit the French page of this site.

Audrey Gagnon
Audrey Gagnon is an assistant professor at the School of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa. She is also affiliated with the Center for Research on Extremism at the University of Oslo and the Groupe de recherche sur les sociétés plurinationales. Her research focuses on conceptions of national identity, far-right and right-wing populist movements, as well as the ethics of researching the far right. She is currently a co-editor of the e-Extreme, the newsletter of the ECPR Extremism & Democracy Standing Group. She was awarded the FRQSC Relève Étoile Paul-Gérin-Lajoie prize for the empirical contributions of her article published in the Canadian Review of Sociology and the Léon-Dion prize for the best article published in Politique et Sociétés in 2018-2019.