Roundtable: Germany has elected – expected ramifications for European politics and transatlantic relations
Mar 4, 2025 — 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The recent federal elections have brought a dramatic shift to the right in Germany’s political landscape. The right-extreme “Alternative für Deutschland” (AfD) has gained more than 20 percent of votes and will thus be a tangible power in the next parliament that might push debates and policies into a less liberal direction. At the same time, left-leaning parties such as the Social Democrats, the Greens and the Leftist Party have hardly more than a third of all votes together.

This roundtable brings together outstanding experts on German politics, discussing expected ramifications of the elections for European politics and transatlantic relations.
- H.E. Tjorven Bellmann, German Ambassador to Canada
- Jordan Leichnitz, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Ottawa
- Prof. Achim Hurrelmann, Carleton University
- Prof. Daniel Stockemer, UOttawa, School of Political Studies
- Prof. Elke Winter, UOttawa, School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies
Moderator: Prof. Benjamin Zyla, UOttawa, School of International Development and Global Studies