Image poesie vegetale

Event description

Join us for a Sensorial Voyage dedicated to the leafy ones.

 It will be an evening of vegetal celebration, with a complementary collective poetic experience, using AI: the exquisite corpse (Breton, 1938). This activity combines, from a visual source, individual imagination and digital interaction. This will involve exploring human imaginative production (Stepanoff 2022) in interaction with digital technology in order to produce a poetic corpus which could constitute an object of interest in digital anthropology (Krischke-Leitão 2023).

The event will be held at the Faculty of Social Sciences (room : FSS 10 003) on February 27th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

If you require accommodation, please contact the event host as soon as possible.
Date and time
Feb 27, 2024
All day
6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Format and location
In person
Social Sciences Building (FSS)
English, French
Undergraduate students, Graduate students, Professors