Pursue a major or a minor in Feminist and Gender Studies in English or in French.
Pursue a Joint Honours Baccalaureate in Feminist and Gender Studies with Criminology, Political Studies or Sociology.
Pursue a PhD in Feminist and Gender Studies, a Master's in Feminist and Gender Studies or graduate studies in the Collaborative Program in Feminist and Gender Studies at the Master's level, which aims to combine advanced disciplinary studies with analyses from a feminist perspective.
Enroll in the numerous courses in Feminist and Gender Studies (FEM), which analyze the position of women and the construction of gender, class, race, sexuality and disability in society.
Benefit from the knowledge and expertise from the IFGS professors and of a large body of professors from various departments, faculties and schools who are engaged in research on gender, class, race, sexuality and disability.
Benefit from the presence of top scholars such as the Joint Chair in Feminist and Gender Studies (The University of Ottawa and Carleton University share one of five Canadian chairs in Women's Studies.) and the University of Ottawa Echo Chair in Women’s Health.
Meet and exchange with the Bank of Montreal Visiting Scholar in Feminist and Gender Studies; while pursuing research, the Visiting Scholar offers seminars and acts as resource-person with our students and faculty.
Attend the Annual Shirley Greenberg Lecture in Feminist and Gender Studies and the series of Feminist Cafés.
Conduct research at the Canadian Feminist and Gender Movement Archives, located at the Morisset Library
Why Feminist and Gender Studies?
There are many benefits to being a student in the Institute of Feminist and Gender Studies (IFGS) at the University of Ottawa.