Master’s program

MA in Feminist and Gender Studies

Study with a diverse student body and help transform society.

This new MA program will equip you with in-depth knowledge of some of society’s pressing challenges: transnational feminism, queer and antiracist theories, masculinities, and (dis)ability and trans studies. You will acquire theoretical knowledge to complete intersectional analyses and practical methodologies, to apply your recommendations to the work environment and transform it. Program graduates have moved on to work in fields such as policy, community development, employment equity, and health and education.

Study with a diverse student body and help transform society

This new MA program will equip you with in-depth knowledge of some of society’s pressing challenges: transnational feminism, queer and antiracist theories, masculinities, and (dis)ability and trans studies. You will acquire theoretical knowledge to complete intersectional analyses and practical methodologies, to apply your recommendations to the work environment and transform it. Program graduates have moved on to work in fields such as policy, community development, employment equity, and health and education.

Stand out from other graduates with your interdisciplinary profile

Exchange ideas with and learn from professors who have developed expertise in more than one discipline and can give you access to resources in different departments. You’ll develop the ability to think critically about interdisciplinary knowledge and tackle challenges in many disciplines, opening the door to a larger pool of opportunities after your degree.  


  • MA with Major Research Paper (12 months)
  • MA with Thesis (24 months)
  • MA with Coursework (12 months)

General information and program requirements - Master of Arts Feminist and Gender Studies

Suggested Program Sequence


FEM 5300

*** 9 cr. of Optional FEM courses among: FEM 6101, FEM 6102, FEM 6104, FEM 6105, FEM 6106, FEM 6107, FEM 6100, FEM 6900

*** 3 cr. from the approved elective courses list

*** To be completed in the Fall and/or Winter semester

FEM 5103

*** 3 cr. from the approved elective courses list

*** 9 cr. of Optional FEM courses among: FEM 6101, FEM 6102, FEM 6104, FEM 6105, FEM 6106, FEM 6107, FEM 6100, FEM 6900

*** To be completed in the Fall and/or Winter semester

MRP 6999 Major Research Paper
Britt Neron
Student voices

“My time at the Institute of Feminist and Gender Studies equipped me with the analytical and critical thinking skills that have made my career in sexual health promotion possible.”

Britt Neron, Health promotion officer at Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights

— MA in Feminist and Gender Studies (’15)

Collaborative program (specialization) in Feminist and Gender Studies at the master's level

The Collaborative Program in Feminist and Gender's Studies at the Master's level is designed for students from selected disciplines in the Arts, Education, Health Sciences, Law, Social Sciences Faculties and Counselling and Spirituality (Saint Paul University) who have an interest in Women's Studies.

The 16 participating disciplines in the Collaborative Program are:

Requirements for the Collaborative Master’s Program

Students must successfully complete the two compulsory FEM courses (FEM 5103 -Feminist Methodologies and FEM 5300 - Feminist Theories), a major research paper proposal or a thesis proposal, and a thesis or major research paper on a topic relevant to feminist studies. The IFGS-GSC strongly encourages students to seek a potential supervisor who is knowledgeable in feminist approaches. Here is the list of potential supervisors and links to their personal webpage.

PhD program

PhD in Feminist and Gender Studies

The primary objective of the Doctoral program is to prepare you for a career in teaching and research.  It also prepares you for other careers by giving you a comprehensive knowledge in feminist theory, methodology and analysis in a context that highlights the need for scholarship engaged with the realities of an increasingly transnational world.  Upon graduation, your will have acquired and demonstrated your aptitude to produce scholarly work engaged with some of the most urgent issues in the global and local socio-political, cultural and economic landscape while identifying new directions for feminist scholarship and intervention.

General information and program requirements - Doctorate in Philosophy in Feminist and Gender Studies

Suggested Program Sequence for the PhD


FEM 5300

One optional FEM course among: FEM 6101, FEM 6102, FEM 6104, FEM 6105, FEM 6106, FEM 6107, FEM 6100, FEM 6900
FEM 5103
FEM 8501
FEM 9998 Comprehensive Examination 
*All graduate seminars must be successfully complete before writing the Comprehensive Examination.
2FEM 9998 Comprehensive ExaminationFEM 9998 Comprehensive ExaminationFEM 9997 Thesis Proposal
3FEM 9997 Thesis Proposal + DefenseTHD 9999 PhD ThesisTHD 9999 PhD Thesis
4THD 9999 PhD ThesisTHD 9999 PhD ThesisTHD 9999 PhD Thesis + Defense

Join a tight-knit, vibrant student community and participate in collaborative activism.  

The Feminist and Gender Studies Graduate Student Association and BIPOC caucus create a culture of community at the institute: diversity and collaborative activism are encouraged and valued. You can take part in our Shirley Greenberg Annual Lecture, a renowned international event for leading scholars in gender studies, and our Feminist Cafés, where experts present and discuss their research with students.


Graduate programs at the Faculty of Social Sciences

Advance your career and expertise with our innovative and comprehensive graduate programs, designed to empower your success.
Unlock Your Future: Explore Our Graduate Programs Today!

Contact us

Institute of Feminist and Gender Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences
Social Sciences Building
120 University Private, Room 10005
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5
Canada (map)

Tel.: 613-562-5791

[email protected]

Office Hours
Monday to Friday 8:45 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(June to August: closed at 3:30 p.m.)

Associate Director and Graduate Studies Coordinator

Kathryn Trevenen
Social Sciences Building
Room 11032
Phone: 613-562-5800 ext. 2326
[email protected]