Awards and Distinctions
Highlights those who received Faculty of Social Sciences awards, External awards and distinctions throughout the year.
Faculty of Social Sciences awards

Alexis Truong
Excellence in Teaching Award
André Lecours
Excellence in Research Award
Jude-Mary Cénat
Young Researcher Award

Jean-François Bureau
Award for Activities in the Media

Patti Lenard
Award for Activities in the Community

Jennifer Rae
Part-time Professor Award

Sylvie Thériault
Award for Service Excellence

Jacynthe Mayer
Administrative Staff Award
External awards and distinctions
André Lecours
Member of the Royal Society of Canada
Nafissa Ismail
College of New Scholars, Royal Society of Canada
Abel Brodeur
College of New Scholars, Royal Society of Canada
University of Ottawa Awards

Erin Maloney
Young Researcher Award