Master’s program

MA in International Development and Globalization

General information and program requirements - Master of Arts International Development and Globalization


The School of International Development and Global Studies (SIDGS) offers an interdisciplinary M.A. program in both English and French, which exposes students to a broad range of development theory, policy and practice, while also permitting specialization in one of four fields: Conflict, Transitions and Peace; Growth, Private Sector and Social Inclusion; Livelihoods, Resources and Sustainability; and Social Movements, Equity and Human Rights.  Students have opportunities for hands-on practice through Co-op and international internships, as well as for networking with development policymakers and NGOs in the federal capital.

Your M.A., Your way. You may complete the MA in International Development and Globalization by any of the following three tracks:

Introduction to the thesis option

Basic requirements

A student choosing the Thesis option with the M.A. in Globalization and International Development must complete a total of 18 units (6 courses), including 4 compulsory courses + 2 optional courses + thesis.

Why choose the thesis option?

The Thesis option is recommended for students who wish to develop their ability to conduct and write-up original research.  Fieldwork in a developing country is often expected by academic supervisors. 

Expected time-to-completion

The requirements of the Thesis option can be completed in 5-6 semesters (20-24 months), bibliography and annexes not included.  Addition of the Co-op option will normally extend the program to 24-28 months.

Co-op option

The student may participate in the Co-op program (two placements) within the framework of the M.A. by Thesis.  However, this will add time to the program, because he/she will normally have a Co-op placement in Year 1 (Summer) and Year 2 (Winter) and be required to return for at least one semester in order to submit his/her thesis.

Concentration in development practice

The Concentration in Development Practice can be combined with the MA by Thesis, but the student will be required to take two extra courses, on top of the 6 normally required.  Note that you will be required to take the majority of the “practice” courses during the Spring and Summer semesters. We do not advise that the Concentration in Development Practice be combined with the Thesis option.

Suggested progress (MA by thesis)

View a detailed explanation of the suggested progress through the program.

Thesis requirements

The thesis is normally between 80-100 pages long (20,000 to 25,000 words).

The student must submit a thesis proposal which will be evaluated by the supervisor and second reader.  After submission of the final version of the thesis, the student is required to defend (orally) his/her thesis to a committee of 3 evaluators.

Co-op for job experience

It is possible to combine any of these tracks (Thesis, MRP, Coursework) with paid Co-op placements that provide crucial job experience in the governmental and non-government organization (NGO) sectors.

Practical skills for international development. Students may take courses within the general requirements for the degree in order to obtain the following certification:

  • Concentration in Development Practice

In collaboration with the Institute of Feminist and Gender Studies we offer the following joint-program:

  • Specialization in Women’s Studies

International Internships possible with internationally based NGOs, and international organizations

A fast-track option from the Master’s (M.A.) to Doctoral (Ph.D.) program is available.

PhD program

PhD in International Development

General information and program requirements - Doctorate in Philosophy International Development


The School of International Development and Global Studies offers an exciting interdisciplinary PhD program in International Development. Located in Canada's capital city, the school has strong linkages to federal government departments, research institutes, policy think tanks, and a wide array of non-governmental organizations.

Our students come from diverse academic and professional backgrounds and are conducting advanced research on a variety of topics in the field of international development. This unique program features:

  • A curriculum designed to meet the needs of both young scholars continuing their academic training and career professionals motivated to deepen their expertise
  • A large faculty drawn from several academic disciplines, with exciting research agendas and extensive experience in international development.

Our PHD students become specialized in both of the following fields:

  • Development Theory and Critique
  • Development Policy and Practice

Our research and teaching strengths lie in four thematic areas:

Related links

Graduate scholarships

School of International Development and Global Studies' students can apply to the following scholarships:

Also, as a Faculty of Social Sciences undergraduate and/or graduate student, you have access to faculty-wide scholarships, regardless of your program of study.

For a complete list, log into uoZone.

How to apply for scholarships

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Graduate programs at the Faculty of Social Sciences

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Contact us

School of International Development and Global Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences
Social Sciences Building
120 University Private, Room 8005
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5
Canada (map)

Tel.: 613-562-5680

[email protected]

Office Hours
Monday to Friday 8:45 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(June to August: closed at 3:30 p.m.)


Supervisor of MA Studies
Benjamin Zyla
Social Sciences Building
Room 8007
Telephone : 613-562-5800 ext. 4865
[email protected]

Supervisor of Doctoral Studies
Melissa Marschke
Social Sciences Building
Room 8038
Telephone : 613-562-5800 ext. 4866
[email protected]