Powerful work

Faculty of Social Sciences
From the Field

By Emilie

Student, Conflict Studies and Human Rights

Map of the world
“When I first started with the Forum, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect, especially since this was to be a virtual experience.”

Emilie, Conflict Studies and Human Rights
Virtual Internship Country: MENA Region
Canadian NGO: Forum of Federations
Local NGO: Forum of Federation’s Middle East North Africa Project team

Now that we are two thirds of the way into this internship, I think it is fair to say we all have a pretty decent understanding of the projects we are involved in, and of the work our host NGOs continue to push forward. As I continue my work with the Forum of Federation’s Middle East North Africa Project team, I find myself reflecting on all the things I have learned, and all the activities I have been able to have a hand in working on. I can confidently say that the work done by the Forum contributes positively to the betterment of governance, women’s rights, inclusion, and so many other human rights issues in the MENA region, and the activities that the Forum’s country teams work to implement day in and day out target grassroots change, and positively impact the lives of so many people.

When I first started with the Forum, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect, especially since this was to be a virtual experience. I was delightfully surprised to have so much hands on experience with so many different, amazing, teams and working on so many different projects. While I’m so glad to have had this experience, I hope I can continue to help work on projects of this nature once the internship is over. The Forum has opened my eyes to activities happening on the ground and in a field that I know I want to continue working in, and I am incredibly grateful for this experience.