There will be some stress, confusion, and inconveniences, but hey…

Faculty of Social Sciences
From the Field

By Vy

Student, International Economics and Development

A continental map
"To be honest, I was quite anxious at the beginning because I wasn’t really sure how or where to start."

Vy, International Economics and Development
Virtual Internship Country: Vietnam
Canadian NGO: WUSC
Local NGO: Bac Thang Long College (BTL)

In general, the whole experience was well enriching, knowledgeable, and unforgettable. I would highly recommend students interested in international issues and development to apply for this internship opportunity. My responsibility was to strengthen the operational capacity of BTL, an economic college in Hanoi, Vietnam, with gender equality, inclusivity, and sustainability in mind. My main task consisted in proposing a marketing communication plan that could directly attract young trainees and indirectly promote BTL’s blended learning options.

To be honest, I was quite anxious at the beginning because I wasn’t really sure how or where to start. Thanks to the training resources offered by WUSC and the understanding of the partner organization, to the best of my abilities I assessed BTL’s needs and used the research method, wording, and models acquired in my DVM courses as well as resource management knowledge in Econ courses to complete my proposal.

During the process, the BTL representative also shared some valuable knowledge regarding the communication and marketing fields (which are not my fields of study) to better present my ideas. Another responsibility that I took on was analyzing BTL’s webpages, recommending tips to improve the appearance and the performance of their e-platforms, as well as filming, recording, and editing some instructional videos for BTL students. These additional knowledge and tech skills will highly benefit my candidacy and enlarge my options in the future job hunt.

Overall, I am very satisfied and grateful for this meaningful e-internship experience. For those who consider this opportunity, there will be some stress, confusion, and inconveniences due to the different time zones and cultures. But hey, it is how we learn new skills, discover our hindered strengths, practice our resilience and grow into well-rounded individuals and employees. Don’t forget that the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Canadian NGOs are constantly there to advise and support you along the way!