Psychology Professor, Nicole Racine, Anthropology Professor, Julie Lapointe, and Political Studies Professor, Dalie Giroux, received $5,000 each to implement their research projects and disseminate their findings to local and global communities.
Research Priorities for Child Maltreatment is a research initiative led by Dr. Nicole Racine aiming to explore research priorities from the perspective of youth as they relate to Maltreatment research in Canada. As per Dr. Racine, 1 in 3 Canadian youth is exposed to maltreatment, yet their perspectives are rarely considered and included in youth maltreatment research agenda. The initiative will develop and share research findings reflecting the actual needs and priorities of youth.
The Planthropolab (PAL or PALab) led by Dr. Lapointe, will engage academic and non-academic knowledge users, as well as local community members to reinforce collaborations with practitioners and experts supporting doctoral students in their research projects. The PAL is a research group which aims to promote and facilitate research among its members so they can participate in experimental research methods in more-than-human Anthropology. Beyond academia, the PAL engages non-anthropology researchers and plant-related practitioners in debates, workshops, and community-based activities covering all forms of knowledge.
Lastly, La Traversée, an initiative led by Dr. Dalie Giroux, is a geopoetics workshop that aims to gather national and international participants from different fields such as arts, geography and literature around urban strolls, nomadic workshops, conferences, seminars, shows and other activities covering geopoetics and literature topics.
The Faculty of Social Sciences always strives to support the reach and impact of research initiatives amongst knowledge users. Faculty grants are oriented towards supporting researchers in the development and dissemination of their knowledge for the benefit of communities across Canada and internationally.