"Over the past three months, I have had the opportunity to participate in a joint project between Al-Alaag, Sudan and Alternatives, Canada as a Research Officer On Violence Against Women."
"Over the past three months, I have had the opportunity to participate in a joint project between Al-Alaag, Sudan and Alternatives, Canada as a Research Officer On Violence Against Women."
(In French only)
« Je suis une finissante au baccalauréat spécialisé en études des conflits et droits humains avec une mineure en sociologie de l’université d’Ottawa. »
(In French only)
« Je suis une finissante au baccalauréat spécialisé en études des conflits et droits humains avec une mineure en sociologie de l’université d’Ottawa. »
“I know that what I have learned and what I have experienced through this opportunity will support me in all of my future endeavours, and for that I am incredibly grateful.”
“I know that what I have learned and what I have experienced through this opportunity will support me in all of my future endeavours, and for that I am incredibly grateful.”