Study in one of the largest Criminology departments in the world.

This program is an opportunity for you to engage with and learn from both nationally and internationally renowned professors. You will acquire foundational knowledge about criminology and the workings of the Criminal Justice System, along with in-depth knowledge in carceral studies, crimes of the powerful, culture and crime, and intervention and social action.

Why choose the Department of Criminology

During your fourth year, you can explore topics of interest in greater depth through three different options: traditional course format, field placements or research. If you choose our unique research option, you will participate in four seminars on very different themes facilitated by professors conducting research in the area of study. In each seminar, you will conduct original research under the professor’s supervision.

Part of your learning experience

In partnership with the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, the Department offers a course based on the “Walls to Bridges” program model. A small group of students from the University of Ottawa and youth from a detention centre study together as peers. Classes are held inside a detention centre and the instructor acts as a facilitator to guide discussions on the various topics

Program prerequisites and minimum admission average 

Choose your program

4 years120 units
person writing with mug

Honours in Criminology

4 years120 units
Cubist work of several female faces 

Joint Honours in Criminology and in Feminist and Gender Studies

FSS hallway

Major in Criminology

2 students talking to prof in FSS classroom

Minor in Criminology

What to expect

Our Criminology programs explore the following streams:

Carceral studies: You will analyze coercive institutions and practices that generate harm as well as the effects on marginalized populations. You will also explore the forms of resistance and prevention aimed at minimizing the use and impact of carceral control, and consider alternative means for addressing crime.

Crimes of the powerful: You will examine harm produced by and in collusion with government institutions, corporations, other economic actors and political elites. You will also explore forms of resistance and social justice initiatives aimed at countering power-based harm.

Culture and crime: You will reflect on the wider social and cultural context shaping harm, criminalization and victimization, as well as the cultural creations and practices related to the social construction and contestation of the notions of crime and justice.

Intervention and social action: You will analyze the impact of criminological intervention on criminalized and marginalized populations as well as the scope and impact of social action and advocacy to effect social change. You will also explore alternative ways of addressing social harm in practice.

Logo ordre des ciminilogue du Québec

Ordre professionnel des criminologues du Québec - conditions to be met

"Ordre professionnel des criminologues" has been created in the province of Québec. This means that a permit is now required, in that province, if you engage in certain professional activities.
See the details and conditions
Students talking and working

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