This research practicum is to take place in an applied research setting either on or off campus (e.g., pharmaceutical or high-technology industry, human resources management service, hospitals or school setting, University laboratory).

How to register

Students are credited for a total of 90 hours of work on one or several research projects with a focus on gaining applied skills or new proficiencies. This practicum is intended as an approximation of a co-op system whereby students have the opportunity to gain some experience and test the relevance of their knowledge base and skills. For students in the MRP and MA-PhD programs, this practicum can replace one Optional course. For student in the Course-based with Co-op program, the practicum is mandatory during their first semester (Fall). The duration of the practicum is one academic term (four months).

The first step is to submit a detailed course proposal to the Experimental Director, for approval. Please include the following elements:

  1. Project description and objectives;
  2. Method of evaluation – the method of evaluation can vary as a function of the particular practicum but may include a research paper or report, or a description of the skills acquired. However, please be as precise as possible when describing your proposed method of evaluation;
  3. Proposed practicum supervisor's signature.

This practicum is graded by the practicum supervisor on a Pass/Fail basis. At the end of your practicum, please have your practicum supervisor complete the Practicum Evaluation Form (PDF, 95KB). Please also e-mail a copy of your written report/work to the Experimental Program Director.