The Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (GSPIA) offers students the chance to gain valuable, real-world work experience through three-month internships, either in Canada or abroad. Please find below general information and procedures related to these internships.

Depending on availability, these internships are open to full-time MA students in public and international affairs or security and defense studies who are not participating in cooperative education programs (co-op).

The internships are designed to offer exposure to the workings of organizations in the private, public and non-profit sectors, providing insights into various career paths and roles. GSPIA internships aim to deliver practical, experiential learning opportunities that enable students to develop their professional skills, apply their theoretical knowledge, and build networks within their chosen fields.

Upon completion, students will have acquired meaningful, relevant, and impactful experiences. They will have advanced their professional development, established valuable industry connections, and built a community of peers who share an interest in public and international affairs, contributing to long-term career success.

The GSPIA does not guarantee internships for students due to variations in availability and external partnerships. The GSPIA encourages students to seek their own opportunities.

Indicative list of objectives, will depend on the focus of the internship opportunities:

  • Acquire expertise in evaluating strategic policies and in using data-driven insights to support evidence-based decision-making.
  • Learn to create high-impact executive reports and deliver persuasive presentations to key stakeholders and decision-makers.
  • Hone skills in in stakeholder engagement and learn to apply advocacy techniques to shape policy development and achieve organisational objectives.
  • Learn to navigate diverse corporate cultures and policies as well as to adapt to intercultural environments. 


  • All full-time MA students in public and international affairs or security and defense studies who are not participating in co-op programs can be selected for the internship opportunity. This includes Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and international students.
  • The internship should take place over 12 weeks (three months) on a full-time basis. Work should be conducted either on-site at the workplace or in a hybrid arrangement, but not entirely remotely.


The Internship in Canada and beyond (API6910) is equivalent to a three-credit advanced seminar.

Submission requirements will vary according to the needs of the participating host organisations; however, students will probably need to prepare a resume and a cover letter, and possibly also a statement of interest or proposal. The selection process may involve interviews led by the host organisation.

As part of the internship, each student is required to prepare a report evaluating how knowledge and skills gained from their academic program were applied during their internship.

The internship will be graded as S (Satisfactory) or NS (Non-Satisfactory) by a Faculty member of the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, based on both the student's report and the feedback from the internship supervisor.