- Karine Croteau, professor and chair of the Kinistòtàdimin. [email protected]
- Cyndy Wylde, professor and supervisor of the microprogram. [email protected]
- Gilbert W. Whiteduck, guardian of traditional knowledge and team leader at Wanaki. [email protected]
- Natasha Savard, Atikamekw Onikam Social Services director. [email protected]
- Stéphanie Garneau, professor and chair of the School of Social Work. [email protected]
- Marc Molgat, professor, School of Social Work. [email protected]
- Annie Mercier, Senior Specialist, Field placement and education. [email protected]
- Jessie Osborne, School of Social Work student. [email protected]
- Jennifer Matsunaga, professor, School of Social Work. [email protected]