As students at the School of Social Work, we would like to welcome you. Perhaps you're wondering why you should choose the Master's program in Social Work at the University of Ottawa. Well, here is our list of the top ten reasons why we feel our School is a judicious choice.

  • The School has a small number of students (you're known by name, not by number).
  • It's an entirely Francophone program that favors the acquisition and development of critical analysis skills (you're encouraged to make your ideas and opinions known).
  • No studying long hours for exams! Evaluation rests on writing assignments that allow you to bring to the fore the full breadth of knowledge gained throughout your studies.
  • The program offers you invaluable experiences during your placements.
  • Teaching and administrative staff are attuned to your needs.
  • You will have the opportunity to meet dynamic people and form new friendships.
  • You will always be very well represented by the Student Association.

The Student Association of the School of Social Work was created in September 1999 with the goal of promoting the interests and rights of students registered in the program.

The Association therefore has the following goals :

  • Defend and represent the rights and interests of students before the different committees of the School, the Faculty and the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa.
  • Organize academic, cultural and social activities.

Students are invited to become involved in various committees and councils such as the Council of the School, Programme Committee on Graduate Studies, the Committee Against Sexual Harassment of the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Graduate Students' Association (GSAÉD) and the Commission on Graduate Studies in the Humanities of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

All in all, the experience offered to you is one that you will not want to miss. Come join us!

Executive Members

Finance OfficerVACANT
1st and 2nd year students representativeVACANT
3rd and 4th year students representativeVACANT
Social activities OfficerVACANT
Communications OfficerVACANT

Student Association for Social Services

Faculty of Social Sciences
Social Sciences Building
120 University Private, Room 2047
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5
Canada (map)

[email protected]

Facebook page

Instagram page