Canadian associations
- Association canadienne des sociologues et anthropologues de langue française
- Association des anthropologues du Québec
- Association des professeures et professeurs de sociologie des collèges (APPSC)
- Canadian Anthropology Society
- Canadian Sociological Association
European associations
- Association française de sociologie
- European Association of Social Anthropologists
- Société d'ethnologie française
- The Royal Anthropological Institute
- The Association of Social Anthropologist of the UK & the Commonwealth
American associations
International associations
- Association internationale des sociologues de langue française
- International Sociological Association
- International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
- World Council of Anthropological Associations
Internet tools for sociological and anthropological research and learning
- CISUL - Carrefour Internet de Sociologie de l'Université Laval
- Intute - Social Sciences (sociology and anthropology)
- SocioWeb
Academic journals in sociology and anthropology
- Cairn
- Electronic Journal of Sociology
- Érudit - Revues savantes québécoises en ligne (Québec)
- Les classiques des sciences sociales
- The Canadian Journal of Sociology online
- The Online Books Page - Social Sciences (University of Pennsylvania)