The program in African Studies aims to provide students with in-depth knowledge of the functioning of the states and societies that form the African continent.

The political and economic power of Africa is growing. The influence of the African continent in contemporary geopolitics is unavoidable. At the same time, Africa is undergoing profound demographic, social and environmental transformations, to name a few.

The African and Diaspora program provides an in-depth, nuanced, and critical education on the continent’s most important states, societies, and contemporary issues. The program integrates several disciplines, including political science, sociology, anthropology, history, economics, law, management and education.

At the end of their studies, students should be able to move away from perceptions of a homogeneous continent to instead better distinguish between the states, societies, and ethno-linguistic groups that compose it in all their richness and plurality.

Why choose the School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies

The School offers a distinctive and innovative approach to culture and society, in both French and English. In our teaching and research, we strive to follow both traditional and emerging intellectual approaches to inquiry. At the crossroads of North American and European traditions, the School offers a stimulating environment for students, faculty and guests.

Choose your program

African Student

Minor in African Studies

Magnifying glass over map of Africa

African Studies Option

What to expect

The program has a strong experiential dimension, specifically in three areas:

  1. a dynamic partnership with several African institutions that allows them to offer elective courses to students;
  2. a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course in its final year taught in conjunction with a colleague from an African academic institution;
  3. the choice of several options involving a stay in an African country or placements in organizations working directly with diaspora communities or in partnership with institutions located on the continent.
Taiwanese indigenous peoples, Photo credit: 總統府 (

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