Study what it means to be human amongst contemporary challenges.

In the Anthropology program, you will experience intricate and stimulating fieldwork, where one observes and participates in people’s lives. You will also experience the depth and rigour of academic research that explores the ways in which we have lived in the world, through time and in different places. You will gain a better understanding of the vast array of human practices and constitutive relations with non-humans, which are fundamental to identifying and understanding the critical social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental challenges of today.    

Why choose the School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies

The School offers a distinctive and innovative approach to culture and society, in both French and English. Our specialized program in sociocultural anthropology prepares you for future careers. You will acquire skills in empirical research, analysis and critique, and will  develop creative and innovative solutions to problems brought on by globalization, environmental change, poverty and development, migration, and new technologies.

Part of your learning experience

As part of our Honours program, the School offers a one-term practicum course in which you have the opportunity to design, conduct, and analyze results from your own research project. Research laboratories – Cities and Contemporary Urban Processes, the Interdisciplinary Study of Food, Human-Animal Relations Lab, Taiwan Studies Research Chair and Media and Visual Anthropology – enable students to collaborate on research with professors and with students from across campus.

Program prerequisites and minimum admission average 

Choose your program

4 years120 units
Caribou in winter landscape

Honours in Anthropology

4 years120 units
Japanese women in traditional dress

Joint Honours in Anthropology and Sociology

Taiwanese indigenous peoples, Photo credit: 總統府 (

Major in Anthropology

Chinese golden door knocker 

Minor in Anthropology

Angéline Boswell, student
Student voices

“I’ve had passionate, inspirational professors who really knew how to awaken my curiosity on a range of topics. I learned to take a step back, observe our society and criticize it.”

Angéline Boswell

— Student

Ari Gandsman

“Now is an excellent time to study anthropology! Major companies like Google, Intel and Microsoft, as well as the federal government, are increasingly hiring anthropologists.”

Ari Gandsman

— Professor

What to expect

Expertise in:

  • health and medicine
  • science and technology
  • media, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the Internet
  • social movements
  • minority groups
  • cities
  • labour and the future of work
  • food, ecosystems, and the environment
  • human rights
  • human/non-human relations in Asia, Latin America, Africa, Europe, North America, and the Arctic.
Taiwanese indigenous peoples, Photo credit: (

Undergraduate Programs at the Faculty of Social Sciences

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