Learn about the processes and social relations that organize and influence individuals’ behaviour in a society and the dynamics of social change.

Sociology involves the empirical study of societies, institutions and cultures. During your studies, you will apply theoretical approaches to real-world cases and learn how to use quantitative and qualitative research tools (interviews, focus groups, discourse analysis and surveys), all heavily used in the current work environment. The connection between theory and research will enable you to develop a critical understanding of a range of current social issues, such as social justice and inequality, ethnic relations, deviance, individual and collective identity, gender relations, international development, social power, and science and technology.

Why choose the School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies

The School offers a distinctive and innovative approach to culture and society, in both French and English. In our teaching and research, we strive to follow both traditional and emerging intellectual approaches to inquiry. At the crossroads of North American and European traditions, the School offers a stimulating environment for students, faculty and guests.

Part of your learning experience

As sociology is one of the disciplines that pioneered global studies, you are encouraged to acquire international experience to develop a hands-on understanding that the local and the global are inseparable. We encourage interdisciplinary studies and real-world experiences.

Program prerequisites and minimum admission average 

Choose your program

4 years120 units
Students and professor talking

Honours in Sociology

4 years120 units
Japanese women in traditional dress

Joint Honours in Anthropology and Sociology

4 years120 units
Crowd of people

Joint Honours in Communication and Sociology

4 years120 units
Students at uOttawa

Joint Honours in Feminist and Gender Studies and in Sociology

Blurred image of several people walking 

Major in Sociology

Several colorful houses 

Minor in Sociology

Libby Alger
Student Voices

“I enjoy critically engaging with important social issues. I study sociology to learn about topics that are important to me such as racism and colonialism, feminism, and the climate crisis.”

Libby Alger

— Graduate

José Lopez

“Understanding how society works is a continually evolving puzzle: the familiar becomes strange, the taken-for-granted becomes fascinating.”

José López

— Professor

What to expect

  • Research methods are a priority for the program. We value quantitative and qualitative research methods equally. Both are necessary to successfully unlock sociology’s potential, and skills in both are sought after by a range of employers and graduate professional programs.
  • Our program values classical sociology and contemporary sociology. We know that creative rereading of classical sociology, when combined with cutting-edge contemporary research, stimulates new ideas.
Taiwanese indigenous peoples, Photo credit: 總統府 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/presidentialoffice/)

Undergraduate Programs at the Faculty of Social Sciences

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