Student Hub
By choosing to study at the Faculty of Social Sciences, you are signing up for an unrivaled student experience. Your education will prepare you for your future career or whatever direction you take.

Undergraduate Student Hub
Our team is here to support you throughout your academic journey and to answer any questions you may have about your courses and program.

Graduate Student Hub
Our graduate team is here to assist you with your graduate studies needs from enrollment, applying to our generous and competitive scholarships and much more.

Absence Declaration — Evaluations
If you need to be absent for an evaluation as part of one of your courses (e.g., a test, midterm, or final exam), you must complete the absence declaration form*. You do not need a supporting document for the first absence in a course, whether for medical reasons or exceptional circumstances. Your request will be evaluated by the academic unit and you will be notified of the decision by email.
* If you have a scheduling conflict for final exams (three exams within a 48-hour period), you must submit your request for a deferred exam by email to your faculty.
Fill the absence declaration form
* If you have a scheduling conflict for final exams (three exams within a 48-hour period), you must submit your request for a deferred exam by email to your faculty.

Ready to enrol in a class, make a change to your schedule, or find a form? Access uoZone for your student portal and online tools.
Get started
Life on campus
Contact us
Academic office
Social Sciences Building
120 University Private
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5
Canada (map)
Office hours
In Person and Online
Monday to Friday
9 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(June to August: closed at 3:30 p.m.)
Undergraduate Studies
Room 3010
Fax: (613) 562-5311
[email protected]
Graduate Studies
Room 3021
Tel.: 613-562-5732
[email protected]