Course enrolment for 2024-2025 will start May 21st for first-year students.

It is time to plan your course selection for the next academic year. Whether you are newly admitted to the Faculty of Social Sciences, or whether you are a returning student, the enrolment period can bring several questions or concerns.

The team at the Undergraduate Studies Office is ready to help. Due to the current situation with the pandemic, our services are available only by email as well as via our Undergraduate Virtual Services. Our response time could be slower than usual, but please know that our agents will strive to answer you as quickly as possible to offer their expert help, advice, and available options.

Before contacting the Undergraduate Academic Office

  • Consult the Student Centre application in your uoZone account to find your enrolment start date. You will not be able to process any enrolment transactions for the fall and winter terms before this date.
  • Consult the course enrolment support web page. You will find:
    • Video tutorials that will help you understand how to use the waitlist correctly and how to plan your course selection.
    • Frequently asked questions about the waitlist.
  • Consult the suggested course sequence for your program of studies.
  • Consult the course timetable to see which courses are offered and all relevant information.
  • Consult the Important Academic Dates and Deadlines web page.

Helpful tips

  • If the system is blocking your enrolment because you have a financial condition on your academic file, please note that we are unable to override this condition. You will have to contact InfoService for more information.
  • Explore our online forms portal; if you need to submit a modification of enrolment request via this portal, you must wait until your enrolment start date before submitting it.
  • If you are considering making a change to your program of studies, consult the web page Make changes to your Undergraduate Program for more information.

Planning for convocation

Congratulations, you have nearly made it! All graduating students must register in order to receive their degree. Online registration is open during two periods of the year.