Let us help you feel at home at university! We’re a friendly, knowledgeable team of 23 student mentors, from different regions around the world, who offer a variety of valuable services to support you in your studies and life at uOttawa. Whether you’re arriving from Ontario, another Canadian province or another country, you can count on us to provide you with the guidance you need.

Why speak to us?

  • You need a hand finding resources and strategies to help you with your course work.
  • You are new to the Canadian academic environment and need some help adjusting.
  • You'd like to take part in an activity, but don’t want to go alone.
  • You are missing home and want to talk to someone who can relate to that experience.
  • You are new to Canada or to Ottawa and want to know more about the country or the city.
  • You are experiencing some culture shock and want to learn how to cope.
  • Something is bothering you or you’re stressed out.
  • You need to confide in someone anonymously.
  • You’d like to know more about services offered at uOttawa.
  • You might want to switch programs, or drop or change a course.
  • You’d like to help us improve the student experience by telling us about your own university experience.

If any of these situations apply to you, or if you want to learn more about the mentoring program, be sure to contact your regional mentors!

What we offer

We offer individualized services, mostly to first-year students or students who are new to uOttawa. We strive to go above and beyond to help you. No one is better suited than we are to support you in your studies and life at university.

Your academic, social and cultural well-being is our priority.

We’re here to support you from the moment you arrive on campus to the last day of exams. You can also book an appointment with a mentor from your home country or region.

We have access to key people and resources in every uOttawa service and department.

We know a lot about the services offered on campus and we can also speak about our own student experience. Our advice is based on what we’ve learned on our journey.

Our team

Greater Toronto Area



Language : French                                                                                                                                                                
Program of study : Political Science and JD                                                                                                                      
What is your favourite thing about your region?
Getting a spicy crispy chicken combo with a vanilla milkshake at any of the GTA Chick-fil-a locations (with ranch and chick-fil-a sauce on the side)!



Language : English                                                                                                                                                                
Program of study : French as a Second Language                                                                                                                      
What is your favourite thing about your region?
Going out for milkshakes at Zak's Diner!



Language : English                                                                                                                                                                
Program of study : Bcom JD                                                                                                                                                 
What is your favourite thing about your region?
A promenade in the distillery district in downtown Toronto!

Eastern Ontario



Language : French

Program of study : Criminology                                                                                                                                            
What's your favourite thing about your region?
Exploring the New York Central Fitness Trail in Embrun (ON)! 



Language : English 

Program of study : Psychology                                                                                                                                            
What's your favourite thing about your region?
Spending a peaceful afternoon reading on the Morrisburg waterfront! 

Southwestern Ontario



Language : English

Program of study : Political Science                                                                                                                                            
What's your favourite thing about your region?
Hiking along our trails and finding all the waterfalls! 




Language : French                                                                                                                                                                
Program of study : Bcom JD                                                                                                                                                 
What is your favourite thing about your region?
Brunches at Art-Is-In bakery!



Language : English                                                                                                                                                                 
Program of study : Biomedical Sciences                                                                                                                                                 
What is your favourite thing about your region?
Karaoke at "VIP Karaoke", and bike rides by the Ottawa river!



Language : English                                                                                                                                                                 
Program of study : Biomedical Sciences                                                                                                                                                 
What is your favourite thing about your region?
Going to the movies or bowling with friends!

Contact us

Send us a message

Send us an email or a direct message on social media anytime! We’ll answer within 48 hours. In an emergency, contact Protection Services at 613-562-5411.