Advanced Medical Research Centre

Fuel Discovery — Accelerate Impact: Together we will find solutions to our most pressing healthcare challenges

AMRC External View

Recent times have shown us of the need, the urgency and the importance of medical research, rapid discovery and commercialization. We need to accelerate the pace of medical research – from lab to discovery and innovation, to incubation, commercialization and ultimately patient health.

We need to ReTHINK how we build integrated partnerships within the healthcare sector, academic research centres, private industry, and government, with the goal of creating an ecosystem that achieves excellence, relevance and impact.

Accelerating Innovation, Commercialization, and Patient Health

The AMRC and the Ottawa Health Innovation Hub will address the urgent need for new research and innovation infrastructure, training programs to support talent pipelines, knowledge translation, and development of new start-up companies. 

Together, they will strengthen the region as a world-class health and life sciences centre of innovation excellence, stimulating economic recovery, job creation and investment attraction, and scaling our health innovation and commercialization capacity.

They will build on the region’s smart health, biotherapeutics and precision medicine advantage; supporting improved patient care and healthcare delivery and enabling rapid commercialization of “made-in-Ottawa” health innovations.

AMRC Atrium level rendering 2023
Sylvain Charbonneau
Vice-President Research

“We’ve got discoveries to make, jobs to create, a recovery to fuel and the AMRC and the Ottawa Health Innovation Hub is bringing together the hearts and minds to make it all a reality.”

Sylvain Charbonneau, Ph.D.

— Vice-President Research and Innovation, University of Ottawa

Together, we can add:

  • new capacity to expand discovery and translational research
  • dedicated incubation or accelerator space with access to common and shared research and clinical infrastructure for new medical and life science ventures
  • new space for collaborative research initiatives and private sector sponsored research activities
  • increased access to venture capital and investment
Mary-Ellen Harper

“The AMRC will provide a new capacity to work together from bench to bedside and back again to look at results from every angle.”

Mary-Ellen Harper, Ph.D.

— Director of the Ottawa Institute Systems of Biology

The Ottawa Health Innovation Hub will be a one-of-a-kind physical space and  ecosystem.  Focusing on smart health and precision medicine, the Hub will seek out, recruit, and nurture the best and brightest entrepreneurs and startup companies to further fuel and drive the life sciences and biotech sectors in the National Capital Region.

Programs within the Hub to support startup companies will include mentorship, regulatory compliance, business development, legal and networking support, access to venture capital and government programs, office and meeting space, global networking events and conferences, as well as countless opportunities for integrated partnerships.

The Hub will support francophone and indigenous culture as well as women’s health innovation entrepreneurship programming.

The Ottawa Health Innovation Hub will have Impact

  • Recruit and retain top researchers and entrepreneurs
  • Commercialization of new discoveries
  • Creation and launch of new startup companies
  • Greater engagement of leading global healthcare companies
  • Economic growth for National Capital Region
John Bell

“At the new AMRC, modern technological platforms and knowledge will be readily accessible to researchers located on the uOttawa campus with access to human samples and clinical trials.”

John Bell, Ph.D.

— Senior Scientist, Cancer Therapeutics Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

Get in touch

Jonathan Bodden

Executive Director, Corporate Development
Tel: 613-614-3571
[email protected]