Our society has changed, and will continue to change, in the shadow of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. University of Ottawa researchers are urgently at work, searching for answers to issues that will have lasting impact on our community, and our country.
Covid-19 research
Confronting inequities in the shadow of COVID-19.

Our research community is devoted to understanding COVID’s societal impact

“We need to understand how people are living this crisis, perceiving this crisis and surviving this crisis. This pandemic has wide social impact and that’s what our researchers are exploring.”
Martine Lagacé
— Associate Vice-President, Research Promotion and Development
So many important questions
Our teams have pivoted to examine how the pandemic affects the aged and the young; the mentally ill and the marginalized; and the racialized and indigenous. How will we deal with the ongoing isolation, loneliness and unemployment that comes in the wake of COVID? Beyond these questions, how will the pandemic impact our privacy and civil liberties?

“While COVID-19 is a public health issue, how the response has happened has involved important public law questions. We need to have a more sophisticated conversation around these issues.”
Vanessa MacDonnell
— Associate Professor and Co-Director of the uOttawa Public Law Centre
Your support will help us find answers
Finding the answers to these important questions will impact our society for years to come. With your help, the University of Ottawa is building a COVID-19 fund to support the many researchers across departments that are working on COVID-19 and its many implications.
With your support we will:
Track COVID-19 and new variants through the community’s wastewater:
Donor support will help us expand use of this technique to protect more communities and vulnerable populations.
Drive change on treating our elders with dignity:
Listen to our elders and give the aged a voice in how they survive and thrive during the pandemic and beyond.
Document ethnic disparities in the pandemic’s impact:
Help racialized communities, in particular African, Caribbean and Black Canadians be counted, and receive the support they need.
Seek answers to questions about the pandemic’s effect on civil liberties, privacy and the transformation of our workplaces:
Protecting human rights and civil liberties in Canada in the face of unprecedented government action.

“There is an urgent need for research to address the impact of food insecurity among African, Caribbean and Black people in Canada, particularly during the current COVID-19 pandemic.”
Josephine Etowa
— Professor at the School of Nursing
Get in touch
Development Office
190 Laurier Avenue East
Ottawa, ON Canada
K1N 6N5
Tel.: +1 613-562-5800 ext. 3417
Toll-free: +1 888-352-7222
[email protected]
Our Canadian charitable registration number is 11927 8877 RR0001