Tabaret Hall steps filled with students

Donate securities

Securities can be donated directly to the University to avoid paying the capital gains tax on your investments. 

Current legislation in Canada allows you to donate publicly traded securities, mutual funds and bonds to registered charities without having to pay capital gains tax. To avoid paying capital gains tax, the securities must be transferred directly to the University and not cashed first. 


  • Donors benefit from excellent tax incentives. 

  • The tax receipt reflects the value of the shares on the day of transfer to uOttawa. 

  • If a donor’s charitable credits for the year exceed the standard 75% of net income, the donor may carry the excess tax credits forward for up to five years. 

To make a gift of securities to the University of Ottawa, contact your broker or financial advisor to initiate the transfer of securities. Then, download and complete our gift of securities form (PDF, 702 KB) and mail, email or fax it to: 

University of Ottawa, Development Office 
190 Laurier Avenue East  
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5 
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 613-562-5127 

Our Canadian charitable registration number is 11927 8877 RR0001