Your 2022 student impact at a glance
YOU are helping students succeed
Students on campus
Number of scholarship recipients
Funds allocated to support students
I am so grateful, THANK YOU!
“When you are struggling financially and you're trying to stay on top of your coursework to get the grades that you need to be able to achieve your goals, it can often feel like you spend your whole life either at work or studying at your desk. But when you have that burden lifted, you can start becoming involved in your university community and start taking on different projects.
I'm doing an honours thesis this year, which if I hadn't received a scholarship last year, I wouldn't have been able to do. The scholarship meant I could spend more time in the lab and less time working a part-time job to afford tuition, books, etc. Donations help change our student experience in a very positive way and allow for a well-rounded experience.
Thankfully, donations from generous supporters also help provide the Wellness Lounge that recently opened. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety following my first year. Receiving support through the Wellness Lounge and scholarships relieved my anxiety. I felt a lot less hopeless, no longer worrying about how I was going to make it through school, how I was going to work enough hours to get by and do my schoolwork. The support allowed me to focus on my studies.”
- Emily Houston, scholarship recipient

Rachelle Clark, Director, Wellness and Recreation Sector
YOU are creating a culture of wellness
Visits to the Wellness Lounge
Number of times students accessed mental health supports
Support sessions through Peer Wellness Chat

Rose, First year student in the Faculty of Science.
Feature initiatives
Get in touch
Development Office
190 Laurier Ave East
Ottawa ON Canada
K1N 6N5
Toll-free: 888-352-7222
[email protected]
Our Canadian charitable registration number is 11927 8877 RR0001