Because of you, we’ve been able to build a strong support system, including psychotherapists, case managers for at-risk students and a peer-based Mental Health Crisis Response Team.

Your 2023 student impact at a glance
YOU are helping students succeed
students received scholarships or bursaries
was allocated to support students
scholarships, bursaries, and research or other projects were supported across campus
From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
It’s incredible to know that donors right here in my community are supporting me and my nursing pursuits.
“Growing up, becoming a nurse was my dream career. I always knew I wanted to care for others, especially marginalized populations.
“Now, my childhood vision is becoming reality: I’m completing my third year of a Bachelor of Science in nursing at the University of Ottawa and I want to sincerely thank the donors who give to uOttawa for helping to make this possible.
“Last spring, I was honoured to receive the Jeannette Bennett Memorial Bursary, which was created by Jeanette’s lifelong friend in memory of a kind and caring person. Jeanette’s story struck a chord with me. I was inspired to learn that she worked at the Salvation Army, cared for patients with AIDS and nursed in Ethiopia.
“Over the last few years, I’ve helped out at a youth shelter and a drop-in centre. Last year, I also started working at a safe consumption site supporting clients through harm reduction, recovery and detox. In some ways, I feel like I’m walking in Jeannette’s footsteps and honouring her legacy.
“Knowing I have people like you supporting me not only helps relieve the financial burden of pursuing my dream, but also inspires me to keep setting my sights higher. After university, I am keen to serve in the places that have the most need and, through this, endeavour to help make this world a better place.”
— Stephen Kimbell, uOttawa BScN student and grateful bursary recipient

Rachelle Clark, Director, Wellness and Recreation Sector
YOU contribute to a culture of wellness
Visits to the Wellness Lounge
Peer wellness outreach team interactions
Support sessions through peer wellness chat
YOU are empowering tomorrow’s leaders

Cyber Hub

Advanced Medical Research Centre

Brain-Heart Interconnectome

Canadian Pandemic Preparedness Hub
Get in touch
Development Office
190 Laurier Ave East
Ottawa ON Canada
K1N 6N5
Toll-free: 888-352-7222
[email protected]
Our Canadian charitable registration number is 11927 8877 RR0001