Co-construire l’avenir des meilleures pratiques pour les enseignants de français
May 12, 2025 — 2:45 p.m. to 4 p.m.
(Note that the content of this page is available in French only.)
Rejoignez-nous pour un atelier collaboratif visant à rehausser les compétences des enseignants de français en mettant l’accent sur les meilleures pratiques et l’innovation pédagogique. Cette séance interactive rassemblera des éducateurs expérimentés, des chercheurs et des experts pour co-concevoir un programme de certificat d’études supérieures centré sur le perfectionnement professionnel et les pratiques exemplaires en enseignement des langues.
This workshop is offered as part of Carrefour francophone : savoirs et pratiques (Université de printemps).

Les discussions et activités de co-création porteront sur des thématiques clés telles que l’intégration des outils d’intelligence artificielle en classe, les approches de translanguaging, la gestion de l’insécurité linguistique et le développement de stratégies pour soutenir une réussite bilingue durable. Ensemble, nous examinerons les pratiques les plus efficaces, identifierons les compétences à renforcer et élaborerons un programme qui reflète les besoins actuels et futurs des enseignants en exercice.
Cet atelier est une occasion unique de partager vos expériences, d’échanger sur les défis rencontrés et de collaborer pour bâtir un cadre solide de meilleures pratiques. Votre expertise et vos idées contribueront à façonner un programme conçu pour inspirer, motiver et outiller les enseignants dans leur quête d’excellence.

Elena Valenzuela
Director of OLBI and Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa
Elena Valenzuela is a linguist specializing in second language acquisition, bilingualism, and heritage languages in multilingual contexts. She is an Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa, where she serves as the Director of the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute. Valenzuela is widely recognized for her work on Spanish as a heritage language, second language acquisition, and the syntax-discourse interface, highlighting the relationship between input complexity and acquisition. Her research focuses on various linguistic properties, including clitic left dislocation, grammatical gender, and eventive and stative passives. Her work bridges theoretical linguistics and language teaching, making significant contributions to understanding language learning and processing.

Catherine Elena Buchanan
Assistant Director of OLBI, University of Ottawa
Catherine Elena Buchanan has always had a passion for languages, so it was only natural that she should become a professor of French as a Second Language. In 2000, after completing a B.A. and an M.Ed. in Second Language Teaching at the University of Ottawa, she was hired in 2000. Since then, she has risen through the ranks, with increasing responsibilities in teaching, administration, and research.
She has played a key role in the development of the university’s French Immersion Program since its inception and continues to do so. She has also contributed to three books on the subject, including Re)Shaping Identities: The impact of higher education immersion on students’ sense of identity, and Learning Modes and Situations in the Régime d’immersion en français: A Holistic Approach. Her research interests include academic literacies and linguistic identities.
In the classroom, she makes sure to convey the richness and variety of la Francophonie while passing on her own passion for the French language. For the past six years, in her role as the assistant director of the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute, she has created a vision of change by inspiring all members involved. That's why she was nominated for the president’s award in leadership.