Planned Giving

students who are the recipient of the Murray Brown Estate Gift talking with Mr. Brown’s cousin
The legacy gift you leave to the University of Ottawa will nurture and inspire tomorrow’s leaders, contribute to life-changing education and research, and make a lasting impact on future generations.

What is planned giving?

Student reading on campus

Planned giving is the process of planning your charitable donations in advance. This allows you to achieve your philanthropic goals while maximizing your social impact, tax benefits, and other financial advantages.

A planned gift can benefit donors and their families, as well as the University of Ottawa and its students, long into the future.

Ways to leave a legacy

Wynn Quon - Heritage Hero
Heritage News

Mixing STEM, arts and business to fuel future generations

When Wynn Quon (BSc ’82, MBA ’94) reminisces about arriving in Canada from the UK as a young child, he certainly remembers the cold and the record snowfalls, but books were also an important element that would later be key to his trajectory.

Impact stories

All stories
Suzanne Faure

Leaving mentorship as a legacy

Mentors can leave a strong impression and profoundly impact our decisions. Such was certainly the case for Suzanne Faure (MEd ’84, PhD ’95) throughout…

Making a multigenerational impact in health

Family ties to the University of Ottawa run deep for Brian Henderson (MEd ’75) and Nicole Huggins (BHSc ’23). Both are interested in health and medici…
Delores Young

Setting goals, grabbing opportunities and embracing fate

Dolores Young (MEd ’83) has led an adventure-filled life that combined international travel, learning about different cultures and love of education.…
Michel Prévost sitting at his desk in front of a bookcase full of books.

Proud to help

Michel Prévost (MA [history] ’85, BA ’79, BSocSc ’78), uOttawa chief archivist for nearly 30 years, is undoubtedly one of the leading ambassadors of t…
In memoriam
Madeleine and Michel Desloges.
In memoriam

Honouring an inspiring young woman

September 21 will mark the 10th anniversary of the death of Annemarie Desloges, a uOttawa health sciences alumna. Annemarie lost her life in a terrori…
Annika Fabbi, sitting at the piano during a recital.

An anonymous donation with a big impact

The constant hours of practice every day by multiple students are demanding on musical instruments. So, when an anonymous estate gift was made to the …
Students in class
Make an impact

“Seeing people succeed and spread their wings is so very gratifying; it’s much more satisfying than seeing your portfolio grow!”

Gérald McNeely

— uOttawa donor

Legacy giving advice

Heritage Circle

Join the University of Ottawa Heritage Circle

The Heritage Circle honours our most valued donors: those who have decided to make a planned gift to the University of Ottawa. Members of the Circle a…
Planned giving
Exterior view of Tabaret Hall with students.
Planned giving

Your legacy, your goals

The reasons for making a planned gift are both many and diverse, but above all, they’re very personal. Whether it’s to honour the memory of a loved on…
Individuals signing a paper

The benefits of giving to charity in your will

Leaving a gift to charity in your will benefits both you and the organizations you care about. Your gift can be a specific amount, a percentage, a spe…
Planned giving
Man filling out paperwork
Planned giving

Charitable giving and life insurance

Read a financial planner’s advice on the various ways to donate an insurance policy to a charitable organization.
planned giving
Grandparents with their granddaughter
planned giving

The importance of a will and a power of attorney

Estate planning advice from our alumnus, Sébastien Desmarais.
planned giving
Students crossing the road at sunset
planned giving

Why you need a will

A will allows you to donate money to your charities and other non-profit organizations and institutions.

Get in touch

For more information about leaving a gift in your will or other types of planned gifts, please get in touch. You may also consult our FAQ page to find answers to common questions. 

If you have already left us a gift in your will, please let us know to help us plan for the future and ensure we can honour your wishes and allow us to recognize your generosity in our prestigious Heritage Circle.

Thank you,
The Planned Giving Team

Team contact


Manager - Planned Giving

Tel.: 613-617-3547
[email protected]


Manager - Planned Giving

Tel.: 343-997-5731
[email protected]


Coordinator – Planned Giving

Tel.: 613-790-1097
[email protected]

190 Laurier Avenue East
Ottawa, ON Canada
K1N 6N5

Tel.: +1 613-562-5800 ext. 3417
Toll-free: +1 888-352-7222
[email protected]

Legal name: University of Ottawa, City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario, Canada
Charitable Registration Number: 11927 8877 RR0001