Sharing Her Story

Planned giving
Faculty of Science
Constance Nozzolillo
The Constance Nozzolillo Scholarship Fund ensures that a lack of money doesn't stunt the academic growth of budding biologists.

Each uOttawa scholarship fund is animated by a special story. Constance Nozzolillo found inspiration for the bursary that bears her name in her father and his selfless devotion.

"James Howard Bennett was an excellent student, but his formal education ended when he passed the examination then required for high school," she says. "He then worked on the family farm until the early years of World War I. In 1916 he enlisted in the army and served in the trenches in Europe, earning the Military Medal for bravery. He returned from service to the family farm, determined that his children would have every opportunity to achieve their educational goals—even, as it turned out, during the dire economic conditions of the Depression."

Dr. Nozzolillo's own story deepened the spirit of empathy that she inherited from her father. After earning degrees from Queen's University and uOttawa, she spent 28 years in the Department of Biology in uOttawa's Faculty of Science. She attributes her distinguished career as a researcher, teacher and mentor to the grants, scholarships and family support she received during her student years. As a professor, she also found that her most motivated students were those who appreciated the value of a university education because they had worked at low-paying jobs or made great personal sacrifices to go to school.

In 1997, Dr. Nozzolillo translated her keen awareness of the needs of others into action. She established—and annually contributes to—the Constance Nozzolillo Scholarship Fund, which helps fund promising uOttawa science undergraduates whose educations would be compromised by a lack of financial support. She has also structured her will to bequeath a sum to permanently bankroll the fund.

"My scholarship helps bright young minds today," she says. "Equally important, I believe my example encourages others to establish additional bursaries and share stories of their own."

Share your special story

Each one of us has a special story. What better than to share it, and help others at the same time, as Dr. Nozzolillo has done through her gifts and her bequest to help promising students.

Email us or call 1-888-352-7222 to speak to one of our development professionals about setting up your very own scholarship fund and sharing your special story with the world.