Justice Brian Dickson's judicial decisions

In a tribute to Justice Brian Dickson following his death on October 17, 1998 at the age of 82, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Anne McLellan spoke of the many judicial decisions he rendered throughout his career: "His judicial decisions were thoughtful, well_written and meticulous - inspiring a generation of legal academics, students, jurists and lawyers. He gave life and meaning to the new Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms during its early years, laying a solid jurisprudential foundation that will benefit Canadians for a long time to come."

While at the Supreme Court of Canada, Justice Dickson heard 1,321 cases, and drafted the majority decision or a dissenting opinion in 328 of those. As a member of the Manitoba Court of Appeal and Court of Queen's Bench, he also rendered numerous judicial decisions. Together these constitute an impressive jurisprudential legacy and reveal the key principles that guided his legal thinking.

With the valuable collaboration of LexisNexis/Quicklaw, you may consult Justice Dickson's decisions contained in it's databases. Here are links to two searches listing all the decisions rendered by Justice Dickson while at the Supreme Court of Canada, Manitoba Court of Appeal and Manitoba Queen's Bench.

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