During his lengthy career, and even after his retirement, Justice Brian Dickson was often asked to address various groups. Since his speaking engagements often were an opportunity to explain his legal thinking and share his views on different topics, it was felt useful to constitute a database collecting Justice Dickson’s speeches from various sources, especially from his personal archives filed with the National Archives of Canada.
- Remarks at Law Day Dinner and Presentation of Commemorative Canada Post Stamp for the Charter, April 15, 1987
- Remarks on the Occasion of the Meeting of the Ontario District Court Judges, Toronto, Ontario. May 7, 1987
- Remarks at Centennial Dinner Of Yeshiva University, Montreal, Quebec. May 31, 1987
- Dinner for the Alberta Appellate Court Judges, Jasper, Alberta. June 5, 1987
- Mcgill University Convocation, Montreal, Quebec. June 10, 1987
- Remarks for Canadian Bar Association Executive Dinner, June 14, 1987
- An Address to The Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, October 16, 1987
- Parade Regiment, 30th Field, December 1987
- Law and Medicine: Conflict or Collaboration? Cushing Oration, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Toronto, April 25, 1988
- The Law Society of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, May 11, 1988
- Dalhousie Alumni, Association dinner, May 14, 1988
- Dinner in honour of Thomas and Carroll Niles, June 1, 1989
- Remarks at the "Opening Ceremony of the 32nd Convention of the Royal Canadian Legion, Sunday, June 12, 1988
- Remarks to the Association of Canadian Court Administrators Dinner, July 4, 1988
- Remarks for opening ceremonies Reform of Sentencing, Parole and Early Release Conference, Ottawa, August 2, 1988
- Remarks delivered at the Opening Ceremony Annual Meeting of the Association of Reporters of Judicial Decisions, August 4, 1988
- Remarks at Luncheon for Visiting Judges of the Soviet Union, Tuesday, September 13, 1988
- Remarks at the Opening Ceremony of the Commonwealth Magistrates' Conference September 18, 1988
- Colloque de l'association Québecoise de Droit Comparé à l'Université de Mcgill, September 23, 1988
- Dinner hosted by The American Ambassador, Thursday, October 6, 1988
- Convocation Address, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, November 20, 1988
- Convocation Address, Mount Allison University, May 8, 1989
- Ashbury College 98th year School Closing Ceremonies, Ottawa, Ontario
- Canadian Bar Association, 1989
- Remarks for the Opening Ceremony of the Centre for Bio-ethics, University of Toronto, October 23, 1989
- Remarks to the Criminal Lawyers' Association Conference, Toronto, Ontario, November 4, 1989
Remarks to the staff of the Supreme Court of Canada on the Occasion of Law Day, April 17, 1990
- Remarks at a dinner hosted by the Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney, April 24, 1990
- Dinner in honour of the Members of the Austrian Constitutional Court, Ottawa, Ontario, May 18, 1990
- Retirement from the Supreme Court of Canada, June 21, 1990
- Remarks to former law clerks on the Occasion of the Rt. Hon. Brian Dickson's 74th Birthday.
- Remarks to the Executive Exchange Program, Ottawa, Ontario
- Brandon, Manitoba, 1990
- Dickson Legacy Dinner, Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 19, 1990
ADR, the Courts and the Judicial System: The Canadian Context
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: Dawn of a New Era?
- Freedoms and Responsibilities in the Universities', Response to a Multicultural Society