Workshop 6 Banner


Nous examinerons l'impact des grands modèles de langage, tels que ChatGPT et Claude, dans la transformation des méthodes d'enseignement, en illustrant comment des tâches conversationnelles avancées et des requêtes ciblées permettent de fournir aux apprenants des retours et des contenus hautement personnalisés. L’accent sera également mis sur le rôle essentiel des enseignant·e·s dans l’exploration des affordances de cette technologie, ainsi que l’importance de développer des compétences clés (ex. l’art de la rédactique) qui permettront d’accompagner les apprenant·e·s dans la navigation des complexités de l’IA générative, en veillant à une utilisation éthique et propice à soutenir l’apprentissage.

Professor Jérémie Séror

Jérémie Séror

Full Professor, OLBI, University of Ottawa

Jérémie Séror is a Full Professor at the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) at the University of Ottawa and an expert in language and literacy education as well as language socialization in plurilingual and pluricultural environments. He holds the OLBI Research Chair in Technology-Mediated Language Learning and Artificial Intelligence, where his work explores the integration of AI and digital tools in language education. His recent projects have explored the dynamics of university immersion programs, the development of bi/pluriliteracy, crosslinguistic pedagogy, and digital writing processes and strategies, contributing to innovative approaches in language learning. He also currently serves as Vice-Dean Governance, at the Faculty of Arts.

If you need an accommodation, please contact us at the following address: [email protected].
Date and time
May 12, 2025
2:45 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Format and location
In person, Virtual
On campus
100 Louis-Pasteur Private, 6th floor
The workshop will be given in French, but questions can be answered in English and French.
Teachers and educators, Researchers, Faculty and staff, Learners
Organized by
Official languages and bilingualism institute, Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Français
Tulips in front of Tabaret

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